Sunday, August 12, 2007

Holy Guacamole!

Guac, as my neighbors call it, has got to be one our favorites. It's hard to beat a really good guac dip, especially when you've got tortilla chips and a salsa on the side.

This simple recipe packs a lot of buttery goodness and is tough to beat.


3 Hass avocados, ripe

1/2 red onion, chopped

1 medium tomato, chopped

2 cloves garlic

1/2 lime, squeezed

1/4 cup of cilantro, chopped

salt and pepper to taste

I like to cut the avocado in half and strike the round seed hard with the knife so it pops right out. Mash the avocados into slightly chunky in a medium bowl. Add the chopped red onion and tomato. Using a garlic press, press the garlic cloves into the mixture followed by the lime juice and cilantro. Mix all the ingredients together and add salt and pepper to taste.

This dip was a big success at our neighbors cookout today. We always get rave reviews whenever we serve it.


KellytheCulinarian said...

Wow, turned out great. I like the texture and color.

Danielle said...

*licks screen*

Oh, how I miss guacamole! My husband has an anaphalyctic-sort of allergy to them, so they are banned from our household.

Some people dream of winning the lottery... I dream of vacationing alone long enough to eat an entire bowl of guacamole.

Unknown said...