Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lemon Dill Salmon

Tonight's dinner barely got on the table and it was nearly 8:15 by the time we sat down to eat. I picked up about a pound of salmon at the Cross Street Market on my way home since, as I explained yesterday, our freezer is pretty sparse. I figured it would go well with lemon and, like I also explained yesterday, we have plenty of those in the fridge as well!

We marinated the salmon in lemon juice, dill weed, olive oil, salt and pepper and chilled for a half hour before grilling.

We also prepared a lemon dill dipping sauce to serve on the side.

Lemon Dill Sauce

1/4 cup Miracle Whip

1/2 lemon, squeezed

1 TBSP. dill weed

1 tsp. olive oil

1 tsp salt

Mix ingredients and chill for at least a half hour before serving.

Sadly, we were in a rush to eat and pulled the fish of the grill too early. When we went to serve the fish, it was definitely not fully cooked on the inside. We immediately brought the fish back outside to finish cooking on the grill. We were extremely dismayed when we discovered that the propane tank was empty. We've had the tank for less than two months but we've been cooking so much outside that we used the whole 16 lb. tank already. We had to finish cooking the fish inside in the toaster oven!

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